La nostra grappa, ottenuta da vinacce di solo uva Groppello, è invecchiata 18 mesi in barrique di rovere francese. In bocca risulta persistente ed armonica, con una leggere tendenza al dolce. Profumo di vaniglia e cioccolato.
Our grappa, obtained solely from Groppello grape pomace, is aged for 18 months in French oak barriques.Persistent and harmonious on the palate, it displays a slight tendency to sweetness. On the nose, aromas of vanilla and chocolate come to the fore.
The Easter Lunch and Easter Monday Barbecue 🌸🐣
Discover the menu we have created with local products, simple and authentic flavours for a cheerful and convivial lunch amidst the vineyards and bucolic atmosphere of our estate.
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Take some Conti Thun home, explore our Easter packages, you will find artisanal delicacies from local producers and even lactose-free sweets to make your Easter even more special.